How To Have A Productive Summer

During the summer months it can be pretty hard to get motivated. The sun is shining, people are smiling, spirits are generally high and there’s lots going on to distract you from work and getting things done. So, how does one keep up and keep focused?

You don’t, well unless your working on building that ultimate sandcastle or teaching your kid how to throw a baseball. You get your butt out there and soak up some summer sun!

At least that’s my opinion. I try and take advantage of my summers as much as I can. Work and Life should be balanced in my book and in the winter (here in Seattle) there are plenty of days where I have no problems just working, working, working.

If you really must work, maybe doing things like washing your car, or mowing the lawn or some nice relaxing gardening would make sense. But I really think you should play as much as you can.

With that, I’m off — have a good weekend everyone.


  1. Nick

    What if you live in Florida, where it’s summer every day?

  2. tips and tools for everyday life

    Because it’s not too late, How To Have A Productive Summer. (From To Done.)
    How to learn from your mistakes, from Lifehacker.
    Organize Thyself, found through LibrarianInBlack. “Life Organizers provides you area-specific strategies for …

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