by Josh
This post is me gathering some info for a future post…a survey, if you will.
Basically what I’d like to know is if you shower in the evening, before you go to bed, or in the morning before you go to work…and why.
I’ll refrain from what I do and why until the next post.
i take a shower at night before i go to bed but only because i have to….but if i had a choise i would take one in the morning before i head off to school because then i feel better and i know i wont stink…but when i take a bath i dont feel clean at all so i always take a shower
i take a shower at night before i go to bed but only because i have to….but if i had a choise i would take one in the morning before i head off to school because then i feel better and i know i wont stink…but when i take a bath i dont feel clean at all so i always take a shower
I have showered in the morning since puberty hit 30 yrs ago. I feel gross all day if I shower at night instead. Living in Fla I sometimes take two showers during the summer or if I have to go somewhere important at night. I also have hair issues in the morning that are only cured by washing my hair.
Showering in the night…bc it puts a nice close to my day. Also I dont like the feeling of being all wet in the morning. Its just alot easier to do it when nothing is really hectic.
I gave up showering, it is not natural to me.
i usually take a shower every afternoon before i go to work… when is the best time to take a shower anyway?
Morning, it wakes me up and i feel crappy if i dont shower in the morning.