Geek To Live
A week or so ago I was laying in bed working on my Powerbook. My fiancee, Staci, leaned over to me and asked, in her cutest 5-year old girl voice, “Are you going to snuggle-buggle with your ‘puter-wuter all night?”
I chuckled and replied, “Yeeeah. What of it?”
She went back to her book, good-naturedly mumbling something about “what a geek” and I went back to my business, content and happy. I got to thinking about this interaction a day or so later and that train of thought took me all over the place and dropped me off right here.
Have a Low-Tech (or No-Tech) Day
5 Quick E-mail Tips
Getting Things Done Quickstarter
Notes From Getting Things Done
Friday Afternoon Syndrome (FAS)
…and how to avoid it.
I’m sure most of us, at one time or another, have had a very stressful Friday afternoon (or whichever day constitutes the beginning of your “weekend”) rushing around trying to get things done to clear things up for a relaxing few days off. I call this “Friday Afternoon Syndrome” or FAS.
And personally, I avoid this situation like the plague–whenever possible.