If you like what you’ve read here at To-Done! and are interested in being notified of and/or delivered new content automatically, you can subscribe to my newsfeeds.

For those who know how to do this, here are my feeds:

* Entries
* Comments

If you are unsure how to subscribe, here are some simple (I hope) instructions:

# Right-click on one of the links above and select “Copy link location” (in Mozilla Firefox) or “Copy shortcut” (in Internet Explorer).
# Open a feed reader software or online service. Select Add new feed and paste the copied link into the input box. The feed reader will then automatically update when it sees something new one To-Done.

h3. Information For Those Totally New to Feed Subsciption

Subscribing to feeds is kind of like getting e-mail, and it’s kind of like Tivo.

First of all you’ll need software, or an online service to manage your feeds. Just as you’d manage your e-mail with Outlook or Hotmail.

Here are a few desktop options you can choose from:

* FeedDemon
* NetNewsWire
* Newsgator

And some online feedreading services:

* Bloglines
* Newsgator Online
* Newsburst
* My Yahoo!

All you need to do is get the software, or service, set up and begin to add feeds. Adding a feed is simple:

# Right-click on any link to a feed. (These will often say “XML” or “RSS” or something else cryptic, if you’ve seen those orange buttons around they usually link to feeds.) Select “Copy link location” (in Mozilla Firefox) or “Copy shortcut” (in Internet Explorer).
# Open a feed reader software or online service. Select Add new feed and paste the copied link into the input box. The feed reader will then automatically update when it sees something new.

Don’t let the terminology scare you, subscribing to feeds is fairly simple once you gotten the hang of it and could really change the way you read and access content on the Web. If you’ve got any questions, please add a comment to this page and I’ll do my best to clear things up.



    Any Newsletter or News releases ?

  2. Sarabjit

    Nice website

  3. Keith Collyer

    Your Comments feed doesn’t work with Thunderbird – it has a different format from the Entries feed as well.

  4. John

    using a news aggregator it only picks up blogs from Jan 2006. Can you post a link to all of your blogs? Thanks

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